Why you shouldn't break eggs on the table and with a knife

Elderly people forbid breaking eggs on the table, as this is the way to break a person's life and failures. Similarly, you can easily break your happiness.
In general, in ancient times, the table was revered and even called the "palm of God". Therefore, you should not sit on the table or knock it with any objects.
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Our ancestors believed that those who use the table surface to break eggshells can just as easily break their luck. Such people will also have to deal with crime: they will become victims or perpetrators.

In addition, it is not recommended to crack eggs with a kitchen knife. But there is a more practical side to this. Because the upper shell of the egg can start to crumble and as a result, the fragments will get to the white and yolk. You will have to spend time picking out these small pieces.
It is worth reminding that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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