Why you shouldn't add fresh minced meat in chicken cutlets: useful tips

There are some tips for your cutlets to be successful and as the result - delicious and juicy, it is important to take into account the ratio between bread and minced meat.
Cutlets are an integral part of the diet of many Ukrainians, and each hostess cooks them in her own way. However, there are a few universal rules that are useful to adhere to while cooking, including the correct ratio of bread and mincemeat in cutlets, writes Glavred.
Read also: Three unusual products that can be added to cutlets to make them incredibly delicious
As for the choice of bread, it is best to use bread of a medium freshness, a loaf would be a perfect choice. Bread should be pre-soaked, and it can be water or milk. The type of a liquid does not significantly affect the flavor of cutlets, the main thing is to soak the bread. Some housewives even recommend using stale bread or hunchbacks.
Noteworthy is the fact that the freshest bread is better not to be used in mincemeat for cutlets. Fresh bread has a soft consistency and after soaking in liquid becomes sticky and rubbery, which can lead to too sticky texture of mincemeat.
Regarding the color of the bread, it can affect the taste and consistency of the cutlets, but not so significantly. Even with black or rye bread you can make tasty cutlets, although they may be a little denser. However, this will not affect the juiciness and flavor of the cutlets.
Regarding the ratio of bread and minced meat in cutlets, it is important to observe the correct proportions. To avoid the negative effect of bread on the cutlets,you should remember that for 1 kg of mincemeat, about 250 g of bread should be used, which means 4 parts of mincemeat to 1 part of bread.
Earlier we wrote about how to cook hearty pumpkin cutlets for dinner.
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