Why people wish health to those who sneezed: folk signs

In the past, when people sneezed, they were often greeted with "God bless you" instead of the usual "Be healthy." This was because breathing was considered a manifestation of the soul, and when a person sneezed, their soul, according to people of that time, could leave the body and cause illness. Later, when many new diseases emerged, the phrase "Be healthy" became more common.
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The idea of wishing health to a person who sneezed has its roots in ancient times when it was believed that sneezing came from the head and required appropriate attention. In the European tradition, the wish for health was associated with the plague, and the phrase "Be healthy" served as a precaution against the disease.
In the Ukrainian tradition, this form of politeness emerged after Christianization, when the legend that God created Adam from clay and then breathed life into him appeared. Sneezing played an important role in these stories, as Adam sneezed before he became mortal. Later, Jacob sneezed to ask God not to take his life, and since then people have stopped dying as often as they used to.
Nowadays, health wishes have become common not only after a sneeze but also in normal communication, for example, "Be well!" ("Zdoroven'ki buly!") or "Be healthy as water." Sneezing used to be considered a sign that a person was telling the truth, but today this belief is perceived more as a sign.
Earlier, we wrote about what omens and superstitions are associated with the arrival of guests.
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