Time conversion: how to prepare your body for the time conversion

Soon, Ukrainians will be resetting their clocks to daylight saving time again, as the Verkhovna Rada failed to pass a law that would stop the eternal wsitching to "winter" and "summer" time. At three o'clock in the morning on March 26, clocks will have to be turned one hour forward.
After the time change, we will have to sleep an hour less. This will make most of us feel sleep deprived and tired.
Doctors advise preparing your body for the time change in advance. Then, experts say, the impact on health will be minimal.
Read also: When is daylight saving time in Ukraine?
In particular, Victoria Forosenko, a cardiologist of the highest category, noted that after the clocks are changed, a person will feel all the problems that come from lack of sleep.
"One should try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier and get up earlier about a week before the clocks change," she told BBC News Ukraine.
She also advised to gradually postpone meals. In addition, in the first days after the change of clocks, it is not necessary to have important business and meetings.
Psychiatrist Andrii Mukhomorov noted that the change of clocks has a negative impact on people: "Our body is a rhythmic system that has stable day and night rhythms."
According to him, forcing it to adapt from one time to another every six months is a serious strain on the body.
Mukhomorov added that if a person experiences difficulties for a long enough period, then it is worth contacting a doctor.
In turn, Olga Maslova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, told the publication that healthy people, especially morning chronotypes and rhythmic people who adapt quickly, may hardly feel the change of time.
However, for evening chronotypes, as well as for people whose lives are very strictly scheduled, it can be uncomfortable.
"There is evidence of increased risks for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, and drivers should be careful," she added.
She advises getting up earlier and going to bed earlier a few weeks before the clocks change. At least by 15 minutes.
Here's how to set your watch manually, if it's quartz or mechanical watch.
Read also doctors' advice on how to better adjust your body to change of time.
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