A mistake can be fatal: why you shouldn't hang souvenirs on magnets on the refrigerator

Almost everyone has various souvenirs with magnets attached to their refrigerator. Some people use them to attach grocery lists or lists of important things to do so that they don't forget something. Some people simply bring souvenirs from their travels and attach them as a memento.
However, home appliance repair specialists believe that this habit can harm a kitchen gadget. In particular, it can lead to a number of troubles, according to the Reviewed USA Today.
For example, if the heat exchangers are located near the side walls of the refrigerator and there are magnets hanging outside, there is a risk of disrupting heat dissipation, especially on hot days. If the surface of the refrigerator heats up, the compressor that cools the chamber is forced to work harder. As a result, the equipment wears out faster.
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Powerful magnets can lead to malfunctions in the electronic control system. In some refrigerators, the display cells are filled with graphite or powders with a metal component. A display with such a "filling" may stop functioning properly if it comes under the influence of magnets.
But even small magnets can be harmful if you have small children at home. A child can remove a magnet and swallow it. If the souvenirs are heavy, they can break off and fall on the child.
Another danger from magnets is the surface of the refrigerator - if you move the magnets around, you can scratch them. And colored refrigerators can develop stains due to prolonged contact with magnets.
Another danger from magnets may no longer threaten the refrigerator, but its owner. If a person has an artificial heart pacemaker or a pacemaker, he or she is strictly prohibited from being exposed to any magnets, even bringing a cell phone close to him or her. The electrical pulse generator, which is part of the pacemaker, is sensitive to neodymium magnets, which are quite rare among souvenirs, but you should not take any risks.
Read also: How to clean the refrigerator from stickers and traces of magnets: effective life hacks
Magnets should also not be hung on the refrigerator because they become covered with dust over time and spoil the overall look.
Earlier, we wrote about why you should keep a used tea bag in the fridge and more.
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