Orchids will bloom long and profusely: just rub and water with this product (video)

Ornamental indoor orchids need care not only for their roots, but also for their leaves. They need to be dusted and sprayed with water to moisturize them.
If your orchids don't bloom for a long time, there is a fairly cheap but effective way to help them develop better. All you need is two aloe leaves.
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How aloe helps plants
Rinse and grind two aloe leaves in a blender, then add 400 ml of water and stir well. Insist on this solution for 12 hours and then strain.
Take the liquid you have obtained and wipe the orchid leaves. Then, soak cotton pads in the solution and place them over the leaves where they connect to the stem. Change these cotton pads every two days and moisten them with the aloe solution each time.
You can also pour this solution into the roots of the plants. Aloe has the ability to better nourish the plant and stimulate its regeneration and development.
As a reminder, we have already written what is forbidden to do when growing an orchid.
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