Experienced gardeners advise never to throw away potato peels: life hack

Experienced gardeners in Ukraine advise saving the peels after peeling potatoes, as they can be an excellent natural fertilizer for plants, including currant, raspberry, gooseberry, and red currant bushes.
It has been shown that placing peels under bushes makes plants healthier and promotes fruit production. Throughout the season, it is recommended to constantly place peels under the bushes, monitoring the condition of the already applied substrate. If it has decomposed, you can safely add new peels, according to the Telegram channel "Dacha. Garden and Vegetable Garden".
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To apply the peels, it is recommended to dig a shallow trench around the shrub (up to 20 cm) and place the accumulated potato peels there.
You can also use an infusion of potato peels to increase soil fertility before planting seedlings. To do this, place the peels in a separate container, cover with hot water, and leave for 2-3 days, stirring occasionally. The resulting infusion can be used for watering plants or placed under bushes.
Additionally, it is recommended to fill the peels of the peelings placed under the shrub with one of the available preparations that help improve the decomposition of organic matter and ensure more efficient use of fertilizer.
It is worth reminding you that tomatoes sometimes fall victim to vertex rot. That's why some of them may develop black spots. Gardening experts told us how to get rid of the "rainy day ".
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