Never do this: four main mistakes when cooking buckwheat

Buckwheat is a very healthy cereal rich in essential amino acids and various vitamins, in particular of A, B and E groups. It contains nicotinic acid, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and iron.
This product even relieves stress and insomnia, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and removes toxins from the body. Pixelinform writes about it.
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In addition, buckwheat has almost no contraindications. It is prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases and those who have a personal intolerance to this product. However, buckwheat porridge will be healthy if you cook it properly.
The main mistakes when cooking buckwheat are:
1. You do not wash buckwheat before cooking or use low-quality groats. Before cooking, it is important to clean buckwheat from bitter grains to get rid of husks and dust.
2. You cook buckwheat for too long. If you overcook buckwheat, you will only reduce the amount of dietary fibre and increase the glycaemic index. Simmer buckwheat over low heat with a little water and do not overcook it.
3. You do not soak the groats before cooking. In general, boiling buckwheat is a mistake. The best way to cook it is to soak it overnight in water at room temperature. Then it will retain all its useful properties.
4. You cook buckwheat immediately after you have washed it. Leave the buckwheat in water for at least 30 minutes before cooking. This will reduce the level of phytic acid in the cereal, which prevents the absorption of a large amount of vitamins and useful macronutrients.
Earlier, UAportal gave tips on how to distinguish natural honey from fake.
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