Do not cut off the whole plant: gardeners explained what to do if the hydrangea turns brown

Hydrangeas are one of the most beautiful plants that can be grown in gardens in late summer. However, sometimes the plants do not flower well or become extremely dry.
There may be a simple reason for this that can be solved without pruning. A blogger under the name myformalgarden shared this information on TikTok.
The gardener explained that windburn can harm hydrangeas as the rapid movement of air takes all the moisture out of the flower. If it is windy, make sure you water the hydrangea.
Read also: Gardeners named flowers that are forbidden to cut in August: you will ruin the plants
To remove brown flowers, you do not need to prune hydrangeas or cut off the entire flower. It is enough to trim the dark brown part with scissors.
"There is no need to remove the entire flower head. You can enjoy the hydrangea looking beautiful again," the blogger said.
Earlier, we shared what you need to know about plants that should not be grown with tomatoes, as this can attract pests, reduce nutrients, or make tomatoes sick.
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