Five mean zodiac signs that don't think about the feelings of others are named

Some people don't care about the feelings of others and are willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goals. They are capable of doing despicable things that they will not regret at all.
According to astrologers, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio have those negative character traits that make many people consider them mean. Natives of this sign can gossip behind their relatives' backs and plot at work.
Aries are more likely than other zodiac signs to be affected by negative emotions: they can make a scandal over nothing and cause trouble that will have long-term consequences. When they cool down a bit, the people of the sign will still not calm down and will look for ways to take revenge on the offender. All methods will be used.
The unpredictable Gemini strike back without hesitation if their feelings are hurt. They can deliberately hurt their loved ones and won't regret it: the people of this sign are always confident in their rightness. At work, they usually have difficult relationships with colleagues, as Gemini often set up even those they call friends.
Cancers are real kings of drama. They can put on a whole show if they need something. People of this sign easily manipulate others and plot behind their loved ones' backs. Cancers may not pick up the phone or respond to messages to show their importance. It is very difficult to build relationships with them.
Leos believe that they are the best and should be admired. However, if their dreams are shattered by reality, the people of the sign are ready to take revenge on anyone who stands in their way. Leos are quite radical, so in a fit of anger they can do things that will harm them. However, they are also capable of doing dastardly things behind their colleagues' backs.
Having a Scorpio as an enemy is a real nightmare. People of this zodiac sign remember all unpleasant situations, especially when they harbor resentment. They are able to start a quarrel with loved ones over trifles and provoke conflicts at work to prove their importance. Scorpios are easy to be mean because they are sure that their offenders will be held accountable for everything.
As reported by UAportal, astrologers previously named the two most evil signs of the zodiac, which are capable of terrible revenge.
At the same time, there are people who easily manage others and reach great heights in their careers. They have all the leadership qualities, gain authority in society and earn a lot, which allows them to be called the best leaders.