Named breeds of dogs and cats that do not cause allergies in humans

Most people are sure that allergies to cats and dogs are related to fur. However, this is a misconception. Allergens can be contained in animal saliva, urine, and particles of their skin.
So an allergic reaction to animals is associated with a specific protein contained in the animal's secretions and skin. However, of course, an allergy can also be to wool.
If you suffer from allergies, getting a hairless dog or cat will not save you. But there are certain breeds of cats and dogs that do not cause allergies in humans.
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Some allergy sufferers who have a reaction to animal fur are saved from irritants by regular cleaning and air humidification. And these are just some ways to reduce the allergic reaction to the extent that a person can live with a cat or dog in the same house.
Veterinarians say that there is no breed of cat or dog that causes allergies in humans, but there are breeds that cause a smaller reaction, so allergy sufferers will have an easier time with them.
Dog breeds that do not cause allergies
It is better for an allergic person to choose a breed that leaves less hair and does not constantly drool. Here the formula is as follows: smaller dog - less allergen.
Hypoallergenic breeds include Bichon Frize, almost all small terriers, dwarf Spitz, Chinese Crested, and Poodle.
Cat breeds that do not cause allergies
Sphynxes are hairless cats. However, care for them as for small children. They should be bathed quite often, lubricate the skin with moisturizing agents and especially carefully clean the ears.
Cats with curly hair - Devon and Cornish Rex. They shed less often than ordinary fluffy ones, but they require more careful care.
Cats without undercoats are Balinese, Javanese, and Oriental. Allergic people react less to them.
Siberian cats have thick but hypoallergenic fur. However, it should be combed often.
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If you are prone to allergies but dream of a pet, try visiting an animal shelter, or arrange with breeders to spend some time with an animal you like. Pet her, play with her, and if you don't get a rash, a runny nose, or red eyes and itching, feel free to make a new friend.
However, don't try to let your cat or dog into your bed or sleep on your sofa. But don't forget to wash your hands every time you change the cat's litter box or after petting your pet. Simple habits will reduce the chances of getting allergic reactions.
Previously, we wrote about why cats like to sleep at the feet of their owners, as well as about 3 breeds of dogs that bring good luck to their owners.
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