Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide: effective tips for cleaning suede sneakers

Suede sneakers are very beautiful, but demanding shoes. Suede requires special care with special expensive products. UaPortal has selected budget-friendly, but no less effective methods for cleaning suede sneakers.
Cleaning the laces
Prepare a solution to soak the laces: 1 dishwasher tablet per liter of water at 40 degrees. Soak the laces for an hour. Then wash them.
Cleaning sneakers
Take ammonia and vinegar 1:1. Apply the mixture with a sponge to the sneakers, leave for 30 minutes, and rinse with water.
Read also: Where not to store shoes
Cleaning the soles
Take 1 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp of ammonia. Add 1 tbsp of toothpaste and a little baking soda. Apply the mixture to the soles, leave for 30 minutes, and rinse.
We have already written about how to make a paste for white sneakers
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