You'll bring trouble: why you can't take anything from the cemetery on the Send-off

It is believed that when you visit the deceased for the Send-off, you should not take anything from the cemetery with you. An item that has been on the grave for a long time is filled with negative energy and can bring misfortune and unhappiness not only to you but also to your family.
Our ancestors also believed that a cemetery is a place of accumulation of negative "deadly" energy, so it is forbidden to take anything home from there. On many graves, you can see flowers, souvenirs, and toys - each has its own special meaning and was brought by relatives for the deceased. It is strictly forbidden to take such things from the grave - it will bring trouble and may even anger the deceased, who will demand that you return the item and give you nightmares.
Read also: What is forbidden to do at the cemetery.
In addition, it is believed that people who practice witchcraft and black magic can deliberately leave jinxed things at the cemetery, and by taking such a thing, you will take on someone's troubles and illnesses.
After visiting the cemetery, wash your hands well, and even better, wash your clothes and take a bath. If you drop something in the cemetery and touch the ground, it is better to leave it at the cemetery or give a "payoff" - instead of the thing that fell out, leave another.
It is strictly forbidden to take anything from the cemetery:
- Plants - shrubs, herbs, fruits, flowers. They absorb bad energy and give it back easily.
- Building materials - gravestones, crushed stone, sand, etc.
- Scrap metal - fence parts, rods, benches, tables.
- Jewelry, gifts, candy.
The church is ambivalent about this: most priests do not agree with the beliefs about things from the cemetery, because the church denies the presence of spirits and otherworldly forces.
As a reminder, we have already written about what you can and cannot take to the cemetery on Memorial Day.
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