In Alaska, a group of tourists was attacked by a brown bear (eerie footage)

A group of tourists had an unexpected encounter with a brown bear in Alaska. The event was described by the travellers themselves on their Instagram account called scenicbearviewing.
The tourists say they were enjoying the beautiful nature and taking pictures of wild bears when a huge predator suddenly appeared. However, instead of panicking and trying to run away, the tourists decided to act differently. They started shouting to scare the bear away.
The guides accompanying the group stressed the importance of not running away from an attacking bear. According to them, the bear may view such a reaction as a challenge, and its natural instincts to chase may be activated.
Read also: In the US, a bear broke into the yard of a private house and chased dogs (video)
Instead, it is advised to respond appropriately to the situation, for example, by making loud noise, shouting and looking threatening.
The guides emphasise that it is dangerous to approach bears without proper experience and the support of qualified specialists.
It is noted that when you meet a bear in the forest or somewhere in nature, you should act correctly to avoid a predator attack.
Try to remain calm and not panic. Nervous movements and voice can cause aggression in a bear. Concentrate and try to control your emotions.
Avoid trying to escape, especially if the bear has already spotted you. Many species of bears have a natural instinct to chase, and running away can provoke them to hunt.
Move slowly and avoid sudden movements. Keep a safe distance from the bear and do not approach it. Back away smoothly and avoid creating a threatening situation.
Speak loudly, shout or use a whistle to scare the bear.
Spread your arms out to the sides to appear larger and more threatening. Unfold your umbrella, if you have one, or raise your arms upwards to show the bear that you could be a dangerous opponent.
Don't put yourself between the bear and its potential escape route, especially if it is the only way out. Give it a chance to avoid you and move away.
If you are in an area where bears are common, consider using chemical bear deterrents such as repellents. Follow the instructions on how to properly apply these products.
Avoid approaching the bear to see what it is eating or to feed it. Maintain a safe distance and do not interfere with the bear's natural activities.
Learn the story of a parrot from New Zealand who became a video blogger.
Also, read about a bear that broke into a house in the United States and ate the owners' supplies.
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