Can catch fire and leave burns: the plant that is not suitable for bouquets is named

If you like to collect bouquets of wildflowers, beware of picking burning bush (popularly known as the gas plant). This plant blooms with white and pink flowers, but has extremely poisonous properties.
Those who pick this plant for bouquets are at risk of allergic reactions and burns.
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This plant also releases hazardous substances that can easily catch fire. It flares up in a flash, but does not burn. Hence its popular name, burning bush.

Dittany (Latin: Dictamnus albus) is a perennial plant that belongs to the Rutaceae family. It is common in the northern regions of Europe and Asia.
This plant has a height of 60 to 120 cm. It has a dense branched bush with erect stems covered with gray hairs. White ash leaves are long and narrow, with sharp tips. The flowers of the plant are very attractive, pink-purple or white in color with red or purple spots. They are collected in large, tassel-shaped inflorescences.

One of the most interesting aspects of dittany is its ability to release a lemon-like aromatic substance from its leaves and flowers. This aroma can become noticeable when the plant is lightly rubbed. However, it is worth noting that contact with this substance can lead to skin irritation in some people, so care should be taken when interacting with the plant.

Burning bush is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is valued for its beautiful flowers and pleasant aroma. However, it is worth remembering that the plant is poisonous and therefore not recommended for bouquets.
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