Can destroy the entire crop: how to deal with peach leaf curl

Peach curl is one of the most serious diseases that affects peaches, nectarines and apricots. Trees lose their foliage, flowers, and then shoots and fruits. Within a year, the tree can become barren. UaPortal will tell you how to deal with peach curl.
The cause of the disease
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus tafrina deformans. As a result of the disease, trees can lose all their fruits. Most often it manifests itself in spring and summer.
Signs of the disease: red, pale yellow or green swelling appears on the leaves. After a while, the leaves turn brown and fall off. The shoots become bent, and the flowers change in size and color.
Control methods
Immediately remove the affected leaves, shoots, flowers and burn them. Then the tree needs to be treated.
Make a peroxide solution by dissolving 50 ml of peroxide in 5 liters of water and spraying the tree.
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Tobacco solution is also effective. To prepare it, finely chop 1 kg of tobacco leaves, cover with cold water and leave for 3 days, then strain and spray the tree. Repeat the procedure in a week.
Also, it is worthwhile to perform preventive measures. In early spring, before budding, you need to treat trees with 3% Bordeaux mixture. Then treat with 1% Bordeaux mixture during and after the flowering period.
As a reminder, we have already written about how to prepare an effective aphid repellent.
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