Dead Easter 2023: traditions, history, what not to do

The celebration of Navskii Easter falls on Holy Week. The history of this holiday begins in ancient pre-Christian times. On this day, the dead were honored.
When is Navskiy Easter 2023 celebrated?
The holiday has several names: Nava Easter, Mav Easter, and Dead Easter. The name comes from the Old Slavic root "nav", which means "dead man" or "enemy spirit". Our ancestors believed that the souls of the dead should be remembered. If you don't pay them respect, they will get angry and may take revenge. Navskiy Easter 2023 is celebrated on April 20.
Traditions and history of this day
Even our ancestors believed that from Easter to Radunytsia, the souls of the dead can come to earth. Navskiy Easter is the day when Easter is celebrated by the dead. It is better not to meet otherworldly guests at night: the cross or prayer has no effect on them. During the year, the dead can come to earth several times: at Christmas, on the eve of Easter, and on Green Holidays, on Dmytro. It was believed that they cared about the well-being of the living.
Usually, on Navsky Easter, a candle was lit in the house to make it easier for the soul to find its way. Also, a memorial dish - kolivo - was placed on the windowsill. Before the Easter of the Dead, it is customary to clean graves, leave food there and treat elderly people with a request to pray for the dead. Also, they baked ceremonial bread: a large loaf and three smaller ones. A "farewell meal" was held on Khomy week, escorting the dead to the afterlife.
Read also: Why you can't shake hands over the threshold.
What not to do on Easter of the Dead
- it is forbidden to call the dead "dead" or "deceased" because at this time they are at home and can hear;
- it is forbidden to go to the cemetery at night.
- it is forbidden to quarrel;
- bad words about the deceased are prohibited.
We also advise you to read why it is forbidden to share your dreams on Thursday.
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