Lunar eclipse at the end of October: When and how to make a wish and attract good luck

From the esoteric point of view, the lunar eclipse that will take place on October 29, 2023, can be perceived as a powerful time for spiritual development, meditation, and work with energies.
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It should be borne in mind that these practices are subjective and based on a belief in energy interactions and spiritual essence. Here are some ideas for practices shared by TSN that you can try during the lunar eclipse:
- Meditation and visualization: Create a calm atmosphere, turn on soft music, and light candles. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and use meditation to develop your spiritual growth. Visualize yourself surrounded by light and possibilities.
- Energy cleansing ritual: Moonlight is believed to have powerful cleansing properties. Go outside during an eclipse and stand under the moon. Imagine how its light cleanses your body and aura of negative energies and fills you with positive energy.
- Writing a magic journal: Create a special journal in which you write down your dreams, goals, and intentions. During a lunar eclipse, you can write down your intentions and desires. This journal can serve as a tool to create and track your spiritual and personal goals.
- Tarot or astrology sessions: If you study tarot or astrology, you can hold a session for yourself or others. Look at tarot cards or study the astrological aspects of the time to gain more insights in your life.
- Magic rituals: Perform any magical rituals that you have learned or believe in their power. For example, rituals to create specific intentions or unlock new opportunities.
There is no scientific evidence of the effects of lunar eclipses on humans, and these practices are based mostly on faith and ancient traditions. It is important to keep safety and common sense in mind. For example, you should not look at the Sun without protection during a solar eclipse and you should not take superstitions or myths related to lunar eclipses seriously. Lunar eclipses are a natural astronomical phenomenon and have no negative impact on people.
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