The moon will draw out health and vitality: Why you shouldn't look out the window at night

According to ancient legends and customs, there is a belief that looking out the window at night can lead to negative consequences. This superstition dates back to the ancient times of Kievan Rus, when parents tried to strictly forbid their children to peer into the night.
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A special superstition is associated with the full moon, when it was believed that if you look out the window at night during this period, the moon will take away some of your health and vitality, and you will feel weak and exhausted over the next year. It is important to note that these beliefs date back to the ancient era, OBOZREVATEL writes.
In ancient times, night was always associated with the activation of dark forces and mysterious phenomena. The ancestors believed that evil spirits, foresters, otherworldly forces, house folk and witches were hidden in the night darkness.
There is a version that claims that it is at night that death comes to take the souls of the dead. Therefore, according to this belief, everything that happens outside the window at night is not meant for human eyes. It was believed that otherworldly beings could punish a person for looking out at night. From this point of view, even simple safety measures advised against going out into the yard at night.
According to folk beliefs, looking out of a window against the night could bring misfortune, difficulties and bad luck. It was believed that the window was a kind of "portal" between worlds, and this view could cause negative consequences.
However, not all signs bring negative consequences. For example, beliefs also have a positive side. According to one of them, looking out the window on your name day can invite good luck to your home. It is also believed that seeing a man in the window on this day brings good health, a woman - mutual love, and a dog - a meeting with a loyal friend.
The customs and beliefs associated with looking out the window at night are part of the cultural heritage and folklore of different nations and reflect the complexity of the perception of night time and nature in general.
It is worth reminding that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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