Play with spices instead: What to avoid to make coffee healthier

Coffee and health - are these concepts compatible? Of course they are! Read on to find out how to make your favorite drink even healthier and why it's important to follow certain recommendations.
If it seems to you that these tips are just restrictions, don't give up on them right away, tropickava writes. Try to follow these tips for a few days, weeks, or even a month, experiment, and watch how your body reacts. We are sure that you will make many interesting discoveries and improve your health.
Read also: 5 bad habits of coffee drinkers that can shorten their lives
Water is the first rule
One of the main recommendations for coffee drinkers is the "glass of water before a cup of coffee" rule. Even if you're not thirsty, try to drink a glass of water before a cup of your favorite beverage. Although scientists are divided on whether coffee can cause dehydration, water is always good for the body. Coffee should not replace your fluids. Maintain your water balance for good health and well-being.
Goodbye, sugar!
If you've decided to eliminate sugar from your diet but don't know how to do it, simply stop adding sugar to your coffee. There is no need to sweeten it. The true flavor and aroma of black coffee will be revealed without the addition of sugar. So pull yourself together and enjoy the taste of black coffee. Your health and figure will thank you.
Sweeteners - the myth of benefits
Sweeteners that help you forget about sugar may seem healthy, but they are not. Many of them are unsuitable and lack vitamins. For example, some sweeteners can release carcinogens when heated. So if you want sweet coffee, use natural sugar substitutes such as agave syrup or Jerusalem artichoke. They will provide a sweet taste without harming your health.
Plant milk is a healthy alternative
Plant milk is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional animal milk. It can be healthier, as animal milk can contain hormones that have a negative impact on the body. Plant milk is also suitable for coffee and helps improve the taste of your favorite drink. You can easily buy it or order it in cafes, especially in the capital.
Experiment with spices
Don't be afraid to experiment with the flavor and aroma of your coffee. Adding spices such as cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and vanilla can significantly improve the flavor of black coffee. In addition, it can improve digestion, lift your mood, and give you extra energy.
As a reminder, we have already written about what foods should not be added to coffee.
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