Lazarus Saturday, April 8: what is this holiday, traditions and prohibitions

Lazarus Saturday is annually celebrated by believers on the eve of Palm Sunday. This year, this holiday falls on April 8.
The Orthodox Church will remember the miracle of Christ's resurrection of the righteous Lazarus, who was the brother of Martha and Mary and lived with his sisters near Jerusalem, in the village of Bethany.
According to biblical legends, Jesus Christ often visited their home and called Lazarus his friend. Once Lazarus fell ill, and when the news of this reached Christ, He said: "This illness is not for death, but for the glory of God, may the Son of God be glorified through it."
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Lazarus died four days before Jesus came to Bethany. After hearing about the death of Lazarus, Jesus burst into tears, ordered a stone to be removed from the cave in which the righteous man was buried, and called to him: "Lazarus! Go away." Lazarus rose again and came out of the burial cave.
The news of the miracle quickly spread throughout Judea. And when the next day Christ entered Jerusalem on a young donkey, many people met him as a king. They sent their clothes and palm branches his way. And Saint Lazarus lived another 30 years after his resurrection - he was a bishop in Cyprus and preached Christianity.
The Church considers the resurrection of Lazarus one of the most important miracles performed by Jesus Christ during his earthly journey.
During church services on Lazarus Saturday, priests change their robes from black to festive white. However, this day still falls during Lent, so any lavish festivities are not welcome at this time. In food, however, relaxation is provided for believers - caviar, oil, and red wine are allowed.
On this day, believers go to churches with bouquets of willow branches to consecrate them during the church service.
Bans on April 8
The prohibitions of this day are important for purity of heart and goodness of soul. Lazarev Saturday is a day when it is not customary to clean up, use physical labor, or directly or indirectly kill living creatures (including livestock, forest, and underwater inhabitants). You can't have too much fun, do needlework, and throw away breadcrumbs and crackers on Lazarus Saturday.
Signs and traditions
Lazarus Saturday is a fasting day, therefore, as before, it is recommended to abstain from food of animal origin. However, it is permissible to use fish roe and a moderate amount of wine.
The church holiday precedes Palm Sunday, so on this day willow branches are prepared in advance to be consecrated in the church in the evening. Believers visit the abode of God with sincere prayers to cleanse themselves of bad thoughts and achieve inner harmony for the benefit of all who live.
Signs on April 8, on Lazarus Saturday
Our ancestors noticed that if the weather is good on this day, then the weather will be good in autumn. If any buds appear on the willow twigs, the harvest will be good.
If snakes, lizards, and other crawling creatures leave their shelters on this church holiday, spring has finally arrived, and you can prepare more actively for planting.
If you want to have a lot of peas in your garden, don't forget to plant legume seeds on Lazarus Saturday.
We invite believers to learn about the prohibitions of Holy Week.
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