When and how to dig potatoes to keep them fresh for as long as possible

Choosing the best time to harvest potatoes is a task that gardeners decide on an individual basis. Young potatoes can be dug as early as June for cooking, while root crops intended for winter storage are best dug later. The right choice of time depends on many factors, such as the variety of potatoes, the climatic conditions of the region, the watering regime and additional fertilisation.
Read also: Where and how to plant potatoes to get a second harvest: a life hack for summer house residents
It is important to determine the time for harvesting, as unripe or overripe potatoes will not be able to be stored as expected and this can lead to losses, Telegraph writes.
When to dig potatoes for storage
Usually, the best time to dig potatoes is in mid-August and early September. This time requires sunny days without rain, as wet tubers spoil quickly.
One of the signs that potatoes are ready is the condition of the tops. If they are wilting, this can be a signal to start harvesting within three weeks.
The correct method of determining the readiness of the crop is to test dig up a few bushes. If the skin on the tubers is dense and most tubers are easily separated from the bush, you can start harvesting.
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Rules for harvesting potatoes
Skilled gardeners recommend using a pitchfork to harvest potatoes instead of a shovel. Hold it at a distance of 15-20 centimetres from the base of the bush and then lift the ground carefully. Be sure that the soil is mixed evenly so that no tubers are left behind.
Damaged, cut or chopped tubers should be separated at this point. It is advisable to use these potatoes as soon as possible.
Do not rush to put the fresh harvest into boxes. Place the tubers on newspaper or cardboard in a single layer in a cool, dark place with temperatures of 10-15 °C and high humidity. This will help strengthen the skin and extend the shelf life of the potatoes.
One of the main conditions for successful potato growing and storage is the correct timing of harvesting, as well as the ability to care for them after harvest.
As a reminder, we have already written about how to grow purple potatoes.
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