What plant should you put in your bedroom if you suffer from insomnia

Some garden plants can be moved into the house for the winter and grown on the windowsill. This can be not only a source of fresh herbs but also a useful tool for improving sleep quality. One of these plants is lavender. It is very easy to grow it at home, you just need to cut off a healthy branch. We'll show you how to do it.
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The best time to root lavender cuttings is after flowering, especially in October, Ukr.media writes. If the shoot is still blooming, carefully cut off the top part with flowers. In this case, annual branches are suitable for rooting.
- Take a 10-centimeter shoot and clean it of leaves 5 centimeters from the bottom. Leave the top leaves as they will feed the cutting. Then the shoot should be buried in a previously prepared pot of soil.
- You can plant several lavender cuttings in one pot.
- Cover the lavender with a plastic bag and place it in a warm and well-lit place for further rooting. Within 30 days, the plant will take root and you can use it as a house flower.
One of the main benefits of growing lavender at home is its calming effect. Lavender improves sleep quality and helps relieve insomnia. In addition, this plant helps relieve nervous tension and fatigue.
However, it should be remembered that lavender may have contraindications for some people, so it is better to consult a specialist before starting to grow it.
To recap, we have already written why lavender dries up.
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