What rituals to do in the morning to make your day successful: 5 important signs

In the morning, you can perform rituals that will help attract good luck into your life. Some of them should be performed before you leave the house, while others should be performed in the morning, upon waking up. After all, the way you start your morning determines your mood and the success of the whole day. Therefore, it is important to set a positive attitude and radiate joy.
Experts talked about a few steps to take in the morning to make your day go smoothly and successfully. The main thing is to set yourself the right psychological attitude.
- After waking up, if you want the day to bring a lot of joyful events and emotions, get out of bed on both feet at once. Take the first step with your left foot. It may seem like a small habit, but it can make a difference in your life;
- According to popular beliefs, you shouldn't sing before getting out of bed, and don't hum tunes before breakfast, even if you're in a good mood. It is said that morning singing can lead to tears;
- Do not eat fish for breakfast. According to popular belief, such a morning meal can lead to trouble. So leave the fish for lunch or dinner;
- It is not recommended to lend money to someone in the morning. If you do, there is a high risk that the money will not be returned and your relationship with that person will deteriorate;
- To ensure that you are successful throughout the day, start putting on your shoes with your right foot before leaving the house. This, according to beliefs, will provide you with a safe path and ward off trouble.
Earlier, UAportal wrote about why you should not drink coffee on an empty stomach.