How to fill in cracks and chips on plastic surfaces: life hack with an egg

"Superglue" is a versatile cyanoacrylate-based adhesive that is widely used to solve minor problems. It can be used to glue broken or damaged objects together. However, you might not know that Superglue can also be used to repair deep cracks in plastic surfaces and repair small chips. If this information is new to you, you will find this article interesting.
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"Superglue" will harden faster and has greater strength if used with baking soda. If you don't have baking soda, you can replace it with eggshells. If you decide to use eggshells, you need to dry them a little and grind them into powder before using them. You can use a coffee grinder or mortar to do this.
To repair chips and cracks, you first need to apply glue to the crack itself, and then tape the chip.
After that, the glue should be applied to the chipped area, sprinkled with egg powder, and repeat this procedure again. The material will harden quickly, forming a strong surface.
After that, you just need to take a cloth of abrasive paper and carefully sand the surface to make it smooth. This way, a strong bond can be achieved with simple tools.
Previously, we wrote about how to make an insect trap from a plastic bottle.
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