How to mask the smell of cigarettes: effective tips

It is a difficult choice to quit smoking or stay with a habit that is not only harmful but also unpleasant for others. If you are not yet ready to get rid of this addiction completely but would like to reduce its negative impact, learn about some life hacks that will help eliminate the smell of cigarettes.
Read also: What foods help remove odor from the refrigerator
How to get rid of cigarette odor from your hands:
- Wash your hands with soap and cold water;
- Wipe your hands with wet, strongly scented wipes. Do not forget about your face;
- Use an antiseptic hand gel, but moisturize your skin afterward;
- Try smokers' cream or rub lemon or orange peel;
- Wash your hands with coffee grounds.
How to get rid of cigarette odor from clothes:
- Pour a large pot or basin of boiling water and add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar;
- Hang the clothes over the container for several hours;
- Dry your clothes in the fresh air.
Another option:
- Mix water and vinegar in a 1:3 ratio;
- Dip a sponge in the solution and wipe the clothes;
- Ventilate the clothes.
How to get rid of cigarette odor from hair:
- Spray a comb with eau de toilette and comb your hair.
- If you don't have much time, just use dry hair shampoo.
How to remove cigarette odor from your breath:
- Eat a slice of lemon, orange, grapefruit, a slice of hard apple or carrot;
- Drink strong tea (black or green) or coffee;
- Chew on a coffee bean;
- Chew on a clove or bay leaf. However, the taste of these spices may not appeal to everyone;
- Brew tea with ginger or chew on a candied ginger slice. Ginger helps with odor and also has health benefits.
Earlier, we wrote about how to eliminate the characteristic odor when cooking fish dishes.
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