How to save your body from the effects of heat: doctor's advice

Extreme heat can have a negative impact on health by causing sunstroke or heat stroke. Elderly people, children, people with cardiovascular problems and diabetes are especially vulnerable to this.
This is according to UNIAN.
To protect yourself and others, you should follow some tips. First of all, avoid going outside between 10 and 18 hours, when the heat is highest. Give preference to air-conditioned rooms and drink enough fluids, even if you don't feel thirsty. It's also important to keep your skin cool, avoid strenuous physical activity, and eat light, balanced meals.
During a heat wave, you should refrain from drinking alcohol. Remember, never leave children or animals in a closed car.
If you are feeling unwell on a hot day, there are some tips to consider from your therapist. Plan physical activities for the morning or evening when the temperature is less high. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics and a hat to protect yourself from the sun. It is important to drink enough water, on average 30 ml per kilogram of weight. During physical activity, increase the amount of water to 35-40 ml per kilogram of weight. Take breaks from the heat and use the opportunity to go into a cooler room.
If sunstroke or heat stroke does occur, it is important to act quickly. Move the person to the shade and make sure that the head is below the level of the feet. Apply a cloth moistened with cold water to the area of large vessels (armpits, neck, groin). Do not forget to measure the pressure.
Read also: How to cool a drink in just 2 minutes: a life hack for the heat
Якщо ситуація стосується осіб похилого віку або з людей хронічними захворюваннями, шукайте медичну допомогу відразу ж. Важливо також забезпечити достатній приплив крові до голови, сівши або лягаючи в прохолодному місці, та не соромитися просити допомоги від навколишніх.
If the situation involves an elderly person or someone with a chronic illness, seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to ensure sufficient blood flow to the head by sitting or lying down in a cool place, and do not hesitate to ask for help from others.
As a reminder, we have already written how to cool yur body in heat.
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