How to make effective and budget-friendly laundry detergent yourself

If you're tired of conventional laundry detergents, try making your own. This way, you'll know exactly what it contains and save money.
In addition, this recipe is very easy to prepare and requires basic ingredients. This was reported by Sante Plus.
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Here is a simple recipe for a do-it-yourself soap-based laundry detergent. What you need:
- 1 bar of coconut soap (enough for a cup of soap flakes).
- 1 bar of blue soap.
- 2 cups of baking soda.
- 2 cups of borax.
- colander.
- mixer.
Method of preparation:
1. First, we will rub the pieces of soap with the smallest side of the grater, so then the powder will have small particles.
2. Allow the soap to dry in the sun for about 4 hours, trying to distribute the grated soap flakes well.
3. After drying, transfer the mixture to a blender. Needless to say, it is important to close the lid to avoid breathing soap dust.
4. Pass everything through a colander to filter out the best parts of your product.
5. The thicker pieces remain in the colander, so leave them aside.
6. Put the filtered particles back into the blender one last time, then add the parts that were not filtered and that you set aside. Blend everything.
7. Pour the mixture into a jar, add the baking soda and borax and mix. Your laundry detergent is now ready to use.
Be sure to keep it out of the reach of children.
Also read: How to easily remove stubborn odors from kitchen towels without expensive chemicals: effective tips
It is worth reminding you that blood stains sometimes remain on clothes and are not easy to remove. If you use baking soda, you can remove the stain in just three steps.
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