How to extend the service life of car wipers: a simple tip

Many motorists have problems with the operation of the wipers when the rubber wears out, which leads to worse cleaning of the glass while driving. Although many people buy new wipers or replace rubbers, there is a simple way to extend the life of the wipers several times.
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Most often, the wipers wear out due to the fact that they are used on dry glass, even the washer fluid begins to work after only a few moves. However, the wear of windshield wipers does not depend on the degree of contamination and dryness of the glass.
When turning on the wipers, they make one move, moving up and down, while collecting dust from the eraser, which is deposited on it. This dust causes rubber wear and rapid deterioration of the wipers.
To extend the service life of the wipers, it is necessary to wipe them with a wet napkin or wet cloth after parking, as well as to remove dust from the glass. This simple procedure will extend the service life of the wipers on the car several times.
We will remind you that we have already written about how to make an air freshener for a car with your own hands.
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