How to choose the right summer shoes: top 3 useful tips

The choice of summer shoes should be treated with special attention, because in the heat they can rub and slide on the foot. UaPortal will tell you the secrets of choosing the right one.3
Rules for choosing shoes
When choosing a new pair, pay attention to the following parameters:
Fullness and width of the foot
If you have a full or wide foot, you will feel uncomfortable in narrow shoes. Considering that your feet swell in summer, it is better to avoid narrow shoes.
A very important criterion when choosing shoes. Remember, shoes don't stretch, and if you choose a pair and it's too tight, don't expect to wear it out. Even if it does stretch a little, you will pay with bloody blisters.
Read also: Hide all the flaws: three best jeans for every body type
Trying on
Try on a pair at once. While trying on the shoes, stand and walk around the store in them.
Bend the sole. It should be soft, otherwise you will be uncomfortable.
Go for new shoes in the evening
After a whole day, your foot swells a little, so the shoes you buy in the morning may become tight by the evening.
As a reminder, we've already written about how to stretch your jeans up a size.
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