How to increase humidity and freshen the air in a room without a humidifier: simple tips

The microclimate in the home is not only for comfort but also for health. If the air is dry, bacteria and viruses can spread quickly, causing illness. The optimal level of humidity in the house should be between 40% and 60%. This article describes several ways to help humidify the air in a room without a humidifier.
Read also: How to make a dehumidifier trap to get rid of excess moisture and condensation at home
You can use a glass of water to check if there is dry air in the room. You need to put water in the glass and put it in the refrigerator so that the water temperature drops to 3-5 °C. Then take the glass out and place it in the room, away from the radiators. If the glass walls are fogged up and dry after 5 minutes, the air in the room is dry. If the glass remains foggy after 5 minutes, the humidity is average. If rivulets begin to run down the glass walls, the humidity is high.
How to humidify the room
- The easiest way to humidify the air in a room is to open the bathroom door after each use. The evaporation from the bathtub will humidify the air in the house, and the bathroom will get drier much faster;
- Houseplants can also help humidify the air, including house ferns, ficus, dracaena, hibiscus, cyperus, and fatsia;
- Instead of drying things on the balcony, you can put a dryer in the room and dry things on it. The moisture will evaporate and saturate the air. However, it is important to make sure that things are rinsed well and you do not have to breathe "chemistry";
- Another quick way to humidify the air is to boil a kettle on the stove and leave it on low heat. The steam from the spout will humidify the air in the room. Or you can simply boil water in a saucepan and leave it to cool. Also, every time you cook food, the air in the room is humidified;
- You can simply fill vases or other dishes with water and place them in the room to let the water evaporate. If you put flowers in a vase, it will also be beautiful;
- Wash the floor - this is a great way not only to clean but also to humidify the air. Breathing will definitely become easier;
- And finally, you can simply humidify the air by spraying water from a spray bottle from time to time. It can be a bit troublesome, but it's an effective way.
Earlier, we wrote about how to get rid of excessive humidity in a car.
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