How to fix a jammed lock: an effective DIY tip

If you have a jammed lock in your home, it is a serious problem, whether it is a front door or an interior door. The problem should be solved immediately, because there is a high probability that one day you will not be able to open the door at all.
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To solve this problem, you need to lubricate the lock. If there is no oil, you can use a simple pencil:
- Take a sharp knife and carefully sharpen the lead of an ordinary pencil, inserting a piece of paper under it. This will give you graphite powder that can be used to lubricate the lock.
- Make a paper watering can by rolling up a small piece of paper so that a thin hole is formed at the end.
- Insert this tube into the door lock's keyhole and pour the graphite powder through the funnel, directing it inside the keyhole.
- Turn the key in the lock a few times so that the graphite powder is evenly distributed throughout the lock mechanism.
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This method works thanks to graphite grease.
Recall, we have already written, which life is made easier at home.
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