How to prune roses before winter so that they grow tall and lush next year

Roses are plants that require special care, especially in the fall when they are preparing for winter. In order for your roses to survive Ukrainian frosts and be good next season, you should prune properly and give them proper attention.
Read also: experts explained how to protect roses from diseases in October
Fall pruning of roses is usually recommended when regular night frosts down to -5 degrees Celsius occur. This is necessary to prepare the plants for winter, increase their resistance to frost and prepare the shoots for the dormant period. This pruning also provides a better access to light for the rest of the plant and helps boost immunity, writes
Roses of different species require different approaches:
- Adult roses and seedlings: During fall pruning, remove immature, dry, damaged shoots that thicken the bush. The remaining stems can be shortened to the height of the covering material. It is important to leave on the bush no more than 5 healthy branches, evenly growing.
- Pleached roses: Prune the shoots of pleached roses minimally in winter, as the stems are bent to the ground and do not need pruning for winter.
- Park (bush) roses: Many of these are winter-hardy and do not need to be covered. They should be removed minimally: inflorescences, damaged shoots and small branches that thicken the bush.
- Tea-hybrid roses: The shoots of these roses can be halved or even severely cut back. Plants easily tolerate the winter and quickly grow new branches in the spring. You should also remove all young shoots that have not matured.
- Groundcover roses: They are spreading and flowing on the ground, so they don't need pruning in the fall. Just remove the blooms.
Recall, we told you about 5 useful tips for caring for indoor plants in the fall.
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