How to easily clean the toilet with flour: an unexpected life hack

Toilet bowls get dirty over time, and cleaning them can be a difficult and unpleasant task. But with a simple life hack with flour, you can do it effortlessly.
All you need is the regular flour that you normally use when cooking. Pour a few spoons of this product into the toilet bowl and cover with hot water. Stir thoroughly, let the solution brew for 10-15 minutes, and then use a toilet brush to clean the toilet bowl.
Read also: Why experienced housewives advise pouring salt into the toilet every day: a life hack
The flour helps to exfoliate limescale and dirt from the surface of the toilet bowl, and the hot water helps to dissolve these dirt particles, making the cleaning process much easier and more effective.
You can also make a more effective product. To do this, take 3 tbsp of flour, 2 tbsp of salt and 1 tbsp of baking soda. Mix all the ingredients. To make the mixture stick better to the walls of the toilet bowl, moisten them by running water. Then apply the powder to the surface. Leave it on for half an hour, and then scrub with a clean brush.
Overall, using flour to clean the toilet bowl is a simple and affordable life hack that can save you time and effort. At the same time, don't forget about safety - wear gloves and ventilate the room to avoid unwanted consequences.
Additionally, another cheap and fragrant product will help you get rid of bad odours in the bathroom.
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