
How to easily peel walnuts so that your hands are not yellow: the easiest way

Ihor Romanko

How to peel walnuts
How to peel walnuts

Walnuts are a tasty and healthy product, but getting them out of their hard shells can be a task that requires some care and skill.

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With these simple steps, you can easily clean walnuts and enjoy delicious dishes where they are used as an ingredient. The Glavred publication told you how to peel walnuts without excessive effort and without resorting to brute force.

  1. Choosing the right nuts: The first step is to choose whole and healthy walnuts. Avoid those that have cracks or visible damage, as they can be more difficult to peel.
  2. Strain in water: Fill a large bowl with warm water and submerge the walnuts in it. Let them soak for 30-60 minutes. The water will help soften the shell and make it softer and more pliable.
  3. Use light pressure: After straining, try to remove the shell without too much effort. You may need to apply a little pressure with your fingers, but avoid hitting hard or squeezing too hard to avoid damaging the nuts.
  4. Help with a knife: If some nuts remain difficult to peel, you can help yourself with a knife. Carefully pierce the shell at one end and then gently slide it apart. Be careful not to damage the nut inside.
  5. Dry the nuts: After cleaning, leave the nuts to air dry or use a paper towel to absorb any remaining moisture.

Earlier, we wrote about 6 types of people who should not eat walnuts to avoid harming their health.

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