How to say "to be left with nothing" in Ukrainian

Each language has its own unique characteristics, and therefore it is important to realize that it is not always possible to literally translate every phrase from one language to another.
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A famous Ukrainian teacher and linguist, Oleksandr Avramenko, who appeared in the broadcast of the program "Breakfast with 1+1", it was emphasized that the attempt to the verbatim translation of stable expressions is not always appropriate.
Phraseologisms and expressions in the language are a reflection of national culture and mentality, and therefore their exact reproduction may be impossible. Alexander Avramenko gave examples illustrating this idea.
For example, for the Russian saying "to be left with nothing" in the Ukrainian language there is an expression "to taste a rejection". This is a good example of how the same idea can be expressed in different words through phraseologisms of different languages. "To taste liznya(Ukrainian word that can't be translated)" in Ukrainian means "to fail and be left without something valuable".
It is important to note that the Ukrainian language may also have several synonyms for such phrases, and the choice of a particular expression may depend on the context and personal preferences.
We will remind, linguist Oleksandr Avramenko explained how to say in Ukrainian "apartment with all amenities".
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