How to get rid of mice at home: folk methods

Fighting mice in homes is not only effective, but also humane. In particular, you can get rid of rodents not only with the help of a mousetrap.
This was reported by Pixel. They noted that folk methods can be used for this purpose. Namely:
One of the most effective ways to fight mice is to use tansy. Rodents cannot tolerate the pungent smell of this plant. Owners can simply place torn tansy sprigs in places where they want to get rid of rodents. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to create a sufficiently thick layer.
Read also: Three plants that will permanently drive mice out of the cottage and garden
Mint and essential oils
Mint is another natural enemy of mice. Its branches and leaves can be used for a rodent repellent. If it is not possible to get fresh mint, then mint essential oils will be an effective remedy.
To prepare a solution that repels mice, you will need:
- 15 drops of peppermint essential oil,
- 10 ml of alcohol,
- 300 ml of water.
This mixture can be used to spray all areas where rodents can enter, such as cracks and holes in buildings. As an additional defense, you can also soak pieces of cloth in peppermint essential oil and place them in problem areas.
Using such natural methods, you can keep mice and other rodents away from your home without using harsh chemicals or mouse traps. At the same time, these methods leave your household even safer.
Earlier, we wrote about how to make an elderberry insect and larvae repellent.
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