How to get rid of ants at home: a simple but fragrant way

Ants, which, at first glance, are not harmful at all, can be found in a house, apartment or cottage house. However, few people are happy to have such a neighborhood.
You don't need expensive products or harsh chemicals to get rid of these insects. Try natural remedies, such as aromatic spices.
Read also: How to get rid of slugs in the garden - five cheap and effective ways
How to get rid of ants at home
First of all, you need to find out where the ants come from. When you find the place, pour a few cinnamon paths. But it is important to draw a cinnamon path that the insects cannot cross.
If you often notice insects in certain places, take a cotton swab and use it to draw a line with cinnamon.
You can use not only cinnamon, but also essential oil. Take a cotton ball and soak it in oil. Then wipe it along the places where you saw ants.
Recall that mice can live in your house, apartment, garage, cottage house, or outbuildings. These rodents spread dangerous diseases, ruin products, and leave holes. Read how to get rid of them in the UAportal article.
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