How to get rid of white bugs in pots with flowers: simple tips

Insects in flower pots can be a real nuisance for both experienced gardeners and beginners. They seem to appear out of nowhere, but it's worth noting that this is a myth.
Unfortunately, foreign experts have found out that these unwanted guests far from always come from special places and have several ways to get into your flower pots, writes UNIAN.
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Beetles and bees like to land on flowers, so sometimes this can be the cause of their occurrence in the pot. If this is the case, there are a few healthy husbandry practices that can be implemented to avoid this problem, namely not using similar soil in all pots.
If the flower potting soil does refer to discolored soil, next it is important to determine exactly where the bugs arrived from. This is important, because the method of struggle depends on the determination of the type of insect.
Aphids are one of the most common pests. It comes in different shades of white, and is characterized by the fact that it preys on plants by consuming their juices and piercing the stems. This causes the flowers to wither and promotes rapid reproduction of the pest, as well as the spread of viral diseases.
Aphids should be controlled using garlic, onion, citrus or tobacco infusion, as well as soap solution for watering plants. Otherwise, in case of unsuccessful control, you should switch to biological preparations that will help to cope with this problem.
The whitefly, similar to the elegant moth, does much less damage. It also feeds on plant juices, but using insecticides too often may not have much effect on it.
Unfortunately, however, the worst of the lot is the midge, it has a distinctive appearance and activity at night, and for the most part it can cause damage to plants. Midge is used as a damp spot, so it is important not to over water your flowers, regularly extract excess moisture from trays and aerate your plants. These measures will help to avoid the desired guests in flower pots.
By making the right choice of insect control method, you will be able to keep your indoor plants healthy and looking good.
Recall that for the most part, indoor plants are quite safe, but some are toxic to children and animals. The leaves, sap or bulbs can be toxic.
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