A famous chef revealed the secrets of cooking the perfect steak at home

Juicy steak will become a delicious dinner. However, many people have doubts about how to properly cook the meat to make it really tasty.
Famous chef Gordon Razmi told what you need to do to enjoy a stunning rare or medium rare steak. This is reported by Express.co.uk.
According to him, you should take the steak out of the fridge 20 minutes before cooking. Cooking a "chilled" steak in the center means you will have to overcook the outside of the steak, so avoid this.
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Season the steak with salt and large peppercorns of pepper. The seasoning should be rubbed into the meat.
When the skillet is hot, add olive oil and swirl. The olive oil is necessary to keep the steak from burning.
Gently flip the steak over with tongs. For a "truly satisfying flavor," add a few cloves of unpeeled, minced garlic. Also add a few sprigs of thyme for extra flavor.
Be sure to flip the steaks every minute to ensure each side is evenly colored. Add a little vegetable oil. While the steak is still cooking in the pan, slice a few pieces of butter.
Tilt the skillet and brush the steak with the juice, vegetable oil, thyme and garlic. Using tongs, take the garlic and rub the steak with it. Turn off the gas and remove the steak from the fire. Transfer it to a wooden board and leave it.
Earlier, cooks shared the secrets of baking pumpkin.
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