Get rid of trouble with one popular spice

The laurel leaf has many meanings in prejudice. It is considered a symbol of victory, success, wealth and happiness.
It is often used to attract good luck and fortune. For example, in many countries it is customary to throw a bay leaf into the fire on New Year's Eve to attract good luck for the next year. Or a bay leaf is put in a purse and carry it with you to attract money.
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As reported by "Sante", laurel leaf is used to fumigate the house. It is believed that so you can expel evil from the house and harmonize relations with loved ones.
This spice is attributed spiritual and energetic properties.
To perform the ritual, simply burn a bay leaf in a small container of non-flammable material. Let the leaf burn for at least 10 minutes, and then extinguish the flame.
We suggest you find out what prejudices are associated with bay leaves. Also - why laurel leaves are hung at the front door of the house.
Also UAportal told you why to put garlic cloves under the door of the house.
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