
Housewives named the top 5 ways to verify the authenticity of the powder

Maria Tsikhotska

Housewives named the top 5 ways to verify the authenticity of the powder
Poor quality powder can be easily checked

Checking the authenticity of laundry detergent at home can be done in a few minutes if you know a few basic rules. We will look at a few key points that will help you determine the originality of detergents.

This is what Radiotrack writes about.

Check the label

One of the first signs of a fake can be the quality of the label. A genuine label should be clear, with securely applied letters that do not smudge during friction. Counterfeit products often save money on high-quality label printing inks and do not always meet this standard.

Examine the packaging carefully

Another indicator can be the quality of the packaging. Counterfeit powder may not have secure packaging, and powder particles may fall out during handling.

Using brilliant green

Fill a small bowl with water, add some powder and a few drops of brilliant green. If the water remains colored, this may indicate a fake. However, if the water turns white over time, it may be a sign of the original product, not a fake.

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Pay attention to reactions

Allergic reactions or asthma attacks can also be indicators of poor quality laundry detergent. Remember that even the original powder may contain harmful components such as phosphates. Fewer harmful substances in the composition makes the product safer to use. So always check the product's composition carefully before buying.

To recap, we have already written how to make your own laundry detergent.

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