Housewives named the most effective budget tool for cleaning all surfaces with activated carbon

Toothpaste is important for the care of our oral cavity, and we usually choose a high-quality and effective product. However, experienced housewives occasionally buy a few tubes of the cheapest toothpaste that they don't use to clean the house, Pixel inform reports.
Some housewives go even further by combining toothpaste with activated charcoal or baking soda. If you need a powerful and affordable cleaning product, you can simply add one of these elements to your toothpaste. This will help get rid of dirt and stains more effectively.
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Usually, charcoal is added in the following way: first, you grind it into a powder and mix it with toothpaste. As for baking soda, you can mix a small amount of toothpaste with a spoonful of baking soda by dissolving them in a glass of water. The resulting solution can be used as a cleaning agent.
In addition, activated charcoal toothpaste is known for its teeth whitening properties. You can do this every 3-4 days.
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We have already written about effective cleaning tips.