Housewives named 4 effective life hacks for washing white clothes

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you have a small amount of white clothes and you don't want to run the washing machine half-empty. Fortunately, there is a useful life hack that allows you to wash white clothes together with black or colored ones, preserving their whiteness.
TSN writes about it.
Just put all the light clothes in a transparent bag and tie it well. Then you can safely add this bag to the rest of the clothes in the washing drum. This trick will help you clean white clothes without risking yellowing.
Remember to set the Delicate cycle and not to raise the temperature above 30 degrees. Also, avoid washing with black clothes that you have recently purchased, as this can lead to staining of white clothes.
Read also: Top 6 methods to stretch clothes that shrunk after washing
If you want to keep your white clothes in perfect condition, remember some tips:
- Wash white clothes frequently, but don't forget that excessive use of detergents or fabric softener can lead to yellowing. Do additional rinses to remove any residue.
- Use natural bleaches, such as lemon or vinegar, instead of chemicals. They will help to preserve the white color of your clothes.
- Air dry white clothes, avoiding the dryer and plastic baskets as they can cause yellowing.
If white clothes are accidentally washed together with colored clothes and they become stained or yellowed, you can try the baking soda and vinegar trick. Add 1/2 scoop of baking soda and vinegar to the hot water in the washing machine and let the clothes soak in this solution. Then wash them with your usual detergent.
As a reminder, we've already written what to do if your clothes shrink during the wash.
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