Where to keep violets in the house to avoid negative effects: folk signs and superstitions

Violets, charming indoor flowers with a variety of colors, always attract the attention of apartment and house owners. However, there are various signs and beliefs surrounding these flowers.
Let's see if violets really have a special energy and how they can affect people. This was written by 24tv.ua.
Read also: How many roses should be in a bouquet, and who should be given a different number of flowers
Signs and beliefs about violets
There is a sign that violets, also known as Saintpaulias, can negatively affect the personal life of their owners. This is due to the assumption that these flowers have a powerful feminine energy, which, according to beliefs, can lead to loneliness and problems with relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, some girls and women who dream of getting married may be advised to keep violets away from their homes, claiming that it can scare away potential partners.
Some also claim that violets can be emotionally draining and cause conflicts and arguments at home. These flowers are believed to drain energy from women. Superstition also extends to the effect of violets on men's love lives, stating that a woman who visits a house with violets may feel insecure and seek to end the relationship.
Despite these signs and beliefs, there is no evidence that violets can actually affect people's love lives. Many families grow these flowers on the windowsill without any negative consequences. So, the decision of whether to keep violets at home is left to your own discretion. What is important is to keep an eye on their care and provide them with suitable conditions for growth and prosperity.
Where to place violets at home
If you have violets and want to avoid any negative effects, it is important to place them properly at home. For example, it is not recommended to keep violets in the bedroom due to the assumption that they release carbon dioxide at night, which can lead to poor health, drowsiness, and headaches. The best option would be to keep these flowers in the living room or kitchen, where their aromatic and beautiful nature will lift your mood and minimize the negative impact.
So, the decision to keep violets in your apartment or house is entirely up to you. The main thing is to create comfortable conditions for them and enjoy their beauty without worrying about negative effects.
We would like to remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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