Food blogger explains how to keep bread fresh for weeks so that it does not get stale or moldy

Bread will quickly become moldy if stored in the wrong place. However, one food blogger claims that proper storage will keep bread fresh for weeks.
A cake stand will work wonders as it will keep your bread beautiful and fresh. This was reported by Gabby Greens on TikTok.
Gabby showed her bread under a glass lid on a wooden cake stand. The bread was cut into slices, which is the first step to keeping a fresh loaf as long as possible.
Read also: How to make stale bread soft again in minutes: a simple life hack
She places half in a cake stand to ensure fresh bread for several days and the rest in the freezer for maximum longevity. A cake stand with a lid will retain moisture and prevent the bread from molding.
Earlier, we wrote about how to keep bread fresh for as long as possible.
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