A French doctor has revealed the secrets of preventing varicose veins

The problem of varicose veins in the legs worries many women of all ages. It turns out that French women lead the world in this matter. France has a highly developed culture of leg care and prevention of this unpleasant disease.
This is reported by Radiotrek.
It is much more difficult to find women's legs with dilated veins in France than in our country, where varicose veins have become a part of many women's lives after pregnancy or with age. French women visit a phlebologist every year, it is an integral part of their beauty routine and medical examinations at the same time.
This secret was revealed by a British phlebologist, Dr. Haroon Ghairai, who told us how to achieve healthy and beautiful legs like those of French women. The main principle is to visit a phlebologist annually, regardless of the presence of problems with the veins in the legs, and undergo an ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities. This helps to detect vein dilation at early stages and avoid surgery. A phlebologist can perform sclerotherapy, which involves the injection of a special drug that dissolves small veins in the body.
Dr. Gairai also emphasizes that varicose veins are a hereditary disease, and if your family has had cases of this disease, you are at an increased risk of getting it. Sitting on your leg, contrary to popular belief, does not affect the development of varicose veins.
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Low activity and a sedentary lifestyle are the main factors contributing to varicose veins. This is more common in developed countries, where people sit more in office jobs and move less. For prevention, it is recommended to walk more, maintain a healthy weight, avoid standing for long periods of time, and drink enough water to avoid blood clotting.
Dr. Gairai also advises using wheat germ oil to restore collagen fibers in the veins and visiting a phlebologist for recommendations on anti-varicose veins and procedures.
As a reminder, we have already written about why people snore.
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