Hedgehogs became more sick because of slugs: what happened

The wet weather has led to an extraordinary increase in sick hedgehogs. Ailie Hill, owner of the Pricklebums hedgehog rescue charity, said that slugs are dangerous to animals.
This was reported by the BBC. It was noted that wet weather promotes the reproduction of slugs and snails, which can be eaten by hedgehogs. In turn, this leads to the acquisition of parasites by hedgehogs.
Read also: Gardeners advise planting hydrangea to drive slugs out of the garden
"We never knew it was this bad before," she said.
Hill also stressed that the situation can worsen in autumn, when hedgehogs are actively preparing for winter. According to her, it is important to identify sick hedgehogs. In particular, if someone encounters a hedgehog during the day, they should immediately report it to the rescue service, as these animals are usually active only at night.
Read also: Two effective ways to stop slugs from attacking your garden plot and vegetable garden
In addition to hedgehogs, pigs are also affected. The charity has treated 68 newborn pigs since the beginning of the year. However, more than 40% of them did not survive. Most of them needed treatment for worms.
As a reminder, we told you when to water the plants in the garden to prevent slugs from curling up there.
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