'It's going to be epic': scientists predicted how the Sun will die

Scientists have investigated what the Sun will look like after it completes it's life and whether humanity will remain to witness the spectacle.
As ScienceAlert reports, astronomers have been trying to determine what the Sun will be like when it completes it's life journey and fades away. At first, they thought the Sun would turn into a planetary nebula, which is a glowing bubble of gas and cosmic dust. But the evidence pointed otherwise.
An international team of astronomers revisited this theory again and found that a planetary nebula is still the most likely scenario for the Sun. Our star is about 4.6 billion years old and its end can be expected in about another 10 billion years.
However, by the end of its life, the Sun will have become a red giant and its outer layers will have expanded, possibly to the orbit of Mars. This process could lead to the extinction of the Earth.
But humanity don't need to worry about this - our existence on Earth will be complete long before that. In about a billion years, the Sun's brightness will increase enough to cause danger to our planet. The oceans will evaporate and the surface will become too hot for water to form. Humanity will "remain only in memories."
Researchers have determined that the Sun, like most other low-mass stars, will become a planetary nebula. Planetary nebulae are bright gas formations that can be seen from great distances.
Earlier, scientists discovered a huge void in the universe 330 million light-years wide.
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