Experts named the best time of day to water orchids in autumn and winter

One aspect of orchid care that most people get wrong about is how often to water them. Overwatering orchids can lead to root rot, mushy, black or brown roots, drooping leaves and bud fall.
During the fall and winter months, indoor flower owners should water their orchids less frequently. reports that.
Check on your plant every 10 days. If the bark or soil seems dry, give it some warm, not cold, water.
Read also: Don't do this to orchids: what is forbidden when growing this tropical flower
Some people believe that using ice cubes is an effective way to hydrate orchids without overwatering, but using ice or water that is too cold can cause shock to the roots. Always let tap water reach room temperature.
It is best to water your orchid in the morning so that any accidental splashes on the leaves should dry out during the high temperatures of the day. If you overwater your orchid and it develops root rot, you need to let the plant dry out.
As to flowering orchids, the owner will have to wait until it has finished blooming to fix the problem. Remove parts of the problematic roots with a sterile knife, and then transplant the plant into a pot with a fresh mixture.
Recall, we have already written that it is forbidden to produce when growing an orchid.
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